Bioidentical Hormone Therapy Versus Synthetic Hormone Therapy

Testosterone, progesterone and estrogen are the hormones that regulate your emotions. When these levels dip in our bodies we can experience an array of negative side effects including fatigue, loss strength or energy; being overweight with no explanation for why it happened to us at this time-, difficulty sleeping through nights just like not being able get up early enough each morning because you're so tired after getting little rest throughout day!, hot flashes during days both summer heat waves - which make sense since they deals mostly via sweat glands-and also winter cold snaps where circulation may be impacted due to environmental conditions affecting metabolic processes.

While some people are fortunate enough to sail all the time in their lives without real symptoms, some people can find it as a sad experience. To fight problems, you can choose hormone therapy. Before you start treatment, you need to understand your choice. You can choose bioidentical hormone therapy or synthetic hormone therapy. Bioidentical therapy is a path that is recommended to be taken.

Bioidentical hormone therapy vs. Synthetic hormone therapy

In the past, the doctor will prescribe synthetic hormones for hormone replacement, or known as the HRT program. However, there are problems because of the use of synthetic hormones. They are man -made and have molecular structures that are not the same as what is naturally found in your body. As a result, your body has difficulty processing synthetic hormones. In the end, they can cause unattractive side effects and may not work effectively in overcoming your symptoms. Bioidentic hormones come from plant sources. Typical sources include sweet potatoes and soybeans. They have the same type of molecular structure found in the hormone in your body. As a result, they are absorbed more efficiently by your body and you don't need to worry about side effects caused by synthetic hormones. If you are going to choose the HRT program, the therapy of the Bioidentic hormone prescribed by a Bioidentic hormone doctor is likely to be the wisest choice.

Starting with the Bioidentical HRT program 

The first step in starting all types of bioidentical hormone replacement programs is to make an appointment with a bioidentical hormone doctor who is experienced in the bioidentical hormone. There is a possibility that your symptoms are caused by the underlying medical conditions. Your thyroid can be the source of the problem, you can have high blood pressure, or the condition of the heart can be blamed. Apart from that, you want to determine the source of your symptoms and need your doctor's help to find answers. Your doctor will talk to you about your symptoms and do a physical examination. Blood tests will be given to check your hormone levels. Your doctor may need further testing too.

Make a maintenance plan that was built for you

After your results enter, your doctor will be able to move forward with a treatment plan. If your hormone to blame for your symptoms, your doctor will see the area where you have a lack of hormones and prescribe the right hormone replacement plan for you. It is important for you to receive the right bioidentical hormone dosage consistently. As you did, you will begin to feel the improvement. Many people say that they feel like themselves again when they start treatment. You must enter to see a doctor regularly to monitor your progress. Adjustments may be needed when your hormone fluctuates. You may not be able to stop hormone changes occur in your body, but you can face it effectively to relieve your symptoms. Bioidentical hormone replacement can help.

Are you feeling sluggish and out of balance? Do you have trouble sleeping or suffer from mood swings? If so, you may be suffering from hormone imbalance. Bioidentical hormone therapy can help restore your body's natural balance and improve your quality of life. AB Hormone Therapy is a leading provider of bioidentical hormone therapy in the Houston area. We offer comprehensive care and personalized treatment plans to help you feel your best. Contact us today to schedule a consultation! 


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